オリジナル小説『NY失恋MAP』の英語版を出版! ~NY Broken Heart MAP-Nine Women in Love in New York~
当社は、オリジナル電子小説『NY失恋MAP~ニューヨークで恋をした9人の女性たちの失恋マップ』の英語版(著者:伊藤 操、英題:NY Broken Heart MAP-Nine Women in Love in New York)を出版いたしました。
電子書籍 『NY失恋MAP ~ニューヨークで恋をした9人の女性たちの失恋マップ~』 概要
著者:Misao Ito
出版社:CREEK & RIVER Co., Ltd.
伊藤 操(いとう みさお)プロフィール
明治大学文学部演劇学科卒。SUNデザイン・スタイリスト科卒。フリーのファッション・スタイリストとして活動後、1982年に渡米。繊研新聞社のニューヨーク通信として、ニューヨーク・ファッションを報道。また『マリー・クレール』日本版、『エスクァイア』日本版、『エル・ジャポン』、『フィガロ・ジャポン』、『GQ』などに寄稿。2001年4月から2006年1月まで『ハーパース・バザー』日本版の編集長を務める。2009年10月より再度ニューヨーク在住。著書にノンフィクション『ティナの贈りもの』(ティビーエス・ブリタニカ|現・阪急コミュニケーションズ)、『Manage-ダナ・キャランを創った男、滝富夫』(扶桑社)、小説『私をみつけて』(ローカス)、『あなたを待ちながら~夕子のNY日記~』 (クリーク・アンド・リバー社)。「NY 失恋MAP」(クリーク・アンド・リバー社)
NY short story collection
"NY Broken Heart MAP"
based on the experiences of nine Japanese women in NY
Creek & River Co., Ltd. (head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Yukihiro Ikawa), which operates the professional agency business, published the original electronic novel "NY Broken Heart MAP-Nine Women in Love in New York" English version (author: Misao Itoh).
"NY Broken Heart MAP-Nine Women in Love in New York"
English:https://amzn.to/335L8pc Japanese:https://amzn.to/2Pz037h
There are nine women from Tomoko, who is 19 years old in "First Love" to 65 years old, who is in "Last Love". Occupations range from translators, singers, writers, art planners, hairdressers, textile designers, doctors, boutique management, and flower artists.
New York parks, museums, shops and restaurants have appeared, and it is a road story where you can enjoy the fun of walking around New York while reading this story.
These places in New York that appear in this story are the places of their memories and the broken heart map was engraved on the map of their hearts forever. Enjoy each love story while walking the fascinating places in New York.
Some people have fulfilled their love, and unfortunately some have ended up with unbearable love. This story will surely turn your heart's wounds into wonderful memories!
Available at Amazon Kindle Store, Rakuten Kobo, Kinoppy, BOOK ☆ WALKER and other electronic bookstores.
Misao Itoh Profile
Graduated from Meiji University, Department literature Theater Art. Graduated from SUN Design School Stylist Department. After working as a freelance fashion stylist, she moved to New York in 1982. Covered New York fashion as the New York newsletter of Senken Newspaper. Also contributed to "Marie Claire" Japanese version, "Esquire" Japanese version, "El Japon", "Figaro Japon", "GQ" and so on. From April 2001 to January 2006, she was an editor-in-chief of the Japanese version of Harper`s Bazaar. Residing in New York again from October 2009. Her books include non-fiction "Tina's Gift" (TBS Britannica / present Hankyu Communications), "Manage-Man who created Dana Karan, Tomio Taki" (Fusosha), and the novel "Find Me" (Locus), "Waiting for you-Yuko's NY Diary" (Creek and River), "NY Broken Heart MAP" (Creek and River).
Head office:SHINTORA-DORI CORE.,4-1-1, Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo JAPAN
Established:March 1990
President and Representative Director:Yukihiro Ikawa
Businessdescription:Agency services, Professional agent services, production services, outsourcing services, consulting services, Education service, Rights management service, Management and distribution service for copyright and contents.